Purified Naked Mind I
To be Respondable(Purified Naked Mind III)

To be honest, this work was made not by intention, but through struggles with the difficult space for installation.

At first I made a wall some years ago, but I made it rising from the center of the floor, packed with solid papers and without draughts.? Then I changed my wall to a low and see-through kind of separation unit.

However, I think this work still represented a wall or fence for me.? After finishing it, I wanted to make a hole that I could walk through, even though it was already see-through.?

Looking at my own work, I sometimes identify with being naked, see-through and infinite, even though I am only a limited being.? I wish I could always be that way.


May, 5th, 2005  Tomoko ISHIDA

Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Tomoko Ishida. All Rights Reserved.